In the 17th and 18th century the area of Minas Gerais was the richest area in South America, there was a huge amount of gold in mines, rivers and on the side of the mountains. Because of this many cities were formed around the richest area, cities like Ouro Preto, Mariana, Congonhas do Campo, Tiradentes and others had a rich architecture and arts. We visited these four cities with or school in our study trip, nowadays they are historical cities.

quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010


There are a lot of mountains around the region of all theses cities. Because of that  the air is cold and  there is fog. In Ouro Preto the weather is hot and wet during the summer and in the winter it is really cold and there is fog all over the city. We visited the cities during the winter. In the morning  it was really cold, really hard weather to wake up early, in the afternoon  it was usually hot, and at night it was really cold again. The weather in Marina and Congonhas dos Campos was the same as Ouro Preto, because they are really close cities.Tiradentes is really hot during the afternoon and really cold at night.

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